Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ramblings of a crazy woman..

Should I have to explain the depths of my mind, and the complexity along with it, I would have to write a book, Although it is not easy for me to open up, I feel that I can help others grow through my writing, through my thoughts, and through my feelings.

At the same time, opening up might assist me in some growth in my ever changing life. 

So where do you start a story? At the very beginning? Well, how about smack, bang in the middle! No past, no future, only the present.

Living in Thailand, my my my. It is here, that my inspiration has found its way back to me, and the reason my pen is dancing wildly over my notepad. The pleasure I feel after so many years without a muse is overwhelming and exhausting. Overwhelming because I have missed it so, exhausting because it has me up until 3am every morning, thinking, writing, exuding my creative energy all over my home. I have Thailand, or my knack for opening my eyes to better possibilities, to thank for this burst of inspiration. Perhaps I have both to thank for it. I’ll be sure to write a thank you letter to them.

So, here I am in Hua Hin, Thailand, writing. My thoughts are wild, and my palm twitching and itching to write, and all I can do is give into my temptations. I look like a bat shit crazy woman. Laptop in front of me, coffee to the left, cigarettes to the right, some inspiring music playing softly in the background, and the great big ocean a couple of meters away. Ask me again why I’m suddenly inspired for the first time in years? I know!

Fires ablaze within my soul, darkness, turned into twilight, my fingers caressing the keyboard, and every word written is a song to my ears. My rambles have not fallen on deaf ears, or people blinded by life, they have fallen beneath the noses of those that are in need of something more than the monotonous ebb and flow of a 'normal' life. Search your soul and discover who you are. It is never too late to do what you dream. Snap out of reality, and step into the world of endless possibilities. Write it down, type it out, paint it on a canvas, but whatever you do, you need to discover it creatively. Forget monotony, forget normality, and start living the intriguing lifestyle of that which you were born to live. I could go on and on and bla bla bla, but you are the only person that will get yourself to where you need to be. Without you, you are helpless. Open your mind and heart, and achieve all you desire. 

Make your life splendid! 

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