Monday, February 4, 2013

Not So Lucky Number 7?

I arrived in Thailand with excitement coursing through my veins. A completely new experience from that of the monotonous and materialistic ways of my former home. Everything here is filled with humility, despite some of the underground going ons. Nevertheless, I have embraced that which is Thailand, the lifestyle of peace, tranquility and humility. I try to be grounded, and balanced as much as I can, but find myself leaning more towards being bat-shit crazy, yet still sane in a sense, if that makes any sense at all. My mind often travels, and ponders on life, and what it is that we're meant to do. In Thailand the possibilities are endless, and the world is your oyster. But as the days, weeks and months roll into one another, like the constant ebb and flow of the glorious ocean, I begin to ponder once again. I sit now, with the question: "Why did I come to Thailand? Was it to find myself? Am I searching for something?" Yes, that must be the answer. But during the interim of 'finding myself', I stumbled upon a new realization and it has dawned on me that I have found something already, which may be the start of many realizations in my journey of discovery.

I have been introduced to a seventh shade of myself. An extra piece to the ever confusing puzzle that is me. But, now I sit confused still. The seventh shade of me is a dangerous shade, one that I have yet to explore in-depth, but fear though, what I find, I might not like, or worse still, like too much.

The fact that fear comes to mind is a scary thought, one should never fear who they are, but embrace it and learn the depths of the trait. Not necessarily practice it, but learn it. I enjoy discovery, and perhaps this discovery will enlighten me, or perhaps it will be a suppressed trait until further examination. Whatever the case, it needs to be worked on and molded first, like a great artwork before its exhibition. It will be my little secret until I am ready to showcase it to the few lucky or not so lucky people that meet the seventh shade of me.

Not so lucky number 7!

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