Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Suitcase of Memories

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies" - Aristotle

Friends-Sisters-Soul Mates

My dearest friend

I long contemplated what it was that I wanted to express to you and the perfect words to explain the depth of the gratitude I feel for you. I was in two minds about whether or not I should publish such a personal letter, but I was impetuously reminded last night that the time we have on this planet is sadly limited, and I knew then that I would certainly regret not publicizing the depth of a friendship you and I share and how you saved me - and would undoubtedly save others on your awe-inspiring journey.

I carry always, a suitcase packed with memories, a guitar on my back and a photo in the pocket of my heart. Memories of junctures I hold dear to my soul. A guitar to strum the melody of life. A photo - a frozen moment of a spectacular woman that shaped my life, and that constantly inspires me to be better.

Although we have certainly had our differences, no amount of time, distance or difference has driven a wedge between our ever entwined souls. My past, my present and my future, have, are and will be made richer because of your astonishing presence.

When my time of need arises, I have you to thank for easing my soul. You shine light on a dark crevice in my mind. My demons are laid to rest because your presence is so vehement. I live each day knowing that I will walk an inspiring, ever-changing journey with you by my side.

In life it is so very rare to find a connection like the bond you and I share. Overcoming trials and tribulations, basquing in complete and utter bliss, meeting different people, learning about new cultures, healing broken hearts, entertainment during those deathly times of boredom - which I must add are few and far between.  You have tattooed my life and it is this message I'd like to convey to you.

In art, as in life, we begin with a blank canvas. A vast array of options and materials lie before us and it is our choice as to which method of creative ardor we choose to move forward with. When we begin our vigorous life journey, we already have a set plan in mind. A set artistic way we've chosen to embrace and travel along with. However, it is this norm in which we find our struggle, our artistic block. Not realizing that we can change our minds, and change them again, we find ourselves stuck and praying to the divine deity to give us some inkling as to which direction we should go fourth with.

The choice has been ours all along. Our sight was blinded by unnecessary caution, caution that should ultimately be thrown to the wind. Our moral compasses will surely guide us on the right path and our inner creative fortitude will unleash the splendor of our unpredictable lives. Once we realize this, our sight, our minds, and our souls will know a true freedom. A freedom of fear of the unknown. A freedom of fear from judgement. A freedom of fear from time.

I ask of you, my dear friend, do something that brings joy to your life. Find what makes you blissfully happy, find that which gives you butterflies in your bum, find your passion for life and do everything in your power to embrace it and indulge in it. Fuck the rest! Life is too short to second guess yourself, as you and I very well know. Life is too short to spend our days sleeping it away. Our very own Bucket List awaits us. What are we waiting for? Better days? The better days are here and now. There is no better time than the present.

Pursue your happyness!

I'll be there every step of the way. I'll catch you when you fall. I'll wipe away your tears. I'll celebrate in your achievements. I'll basque in your love found. I'll be standing beside you at the alter. I'll be in the delivery room, holding your hand. I'll forever linger in your soul as you do in mine. And even in the next life, I shall paint canvases of memories I hold close to my soul. I could leave this world knowing with every fiber of my being that I had the most epic friend, sister and soul mate in you.

So I thank you from the depths of my soul. When you first allowed me a piece of your soul you saved me. We had no idea what would become a friendship that had started out so rocky, but we certainly have a suitcase stacked with memories - good and bad. Lyrics to melodies of our different yet similar lives. And photos of junctures frozen in time for a lifetime of remembrance.

Chok dee ka my friend, my sister, my soul mate. Here's to another sixteen years of firsts, lasts, heartbreak, arguing, crying, adventure and love!

1. Travel the World
2. Write a novel
3. Ride an Elephant
4. Be blessed by a Monk
5. Skinny dip beneath the moon
6. Get a tattoo
7. Learn a new language
8. Help change lives
9. Let off lanterns
10. Sleep under the stars

And these are but a few of our 365..
I will be there every step of the way my dearest friend.

Let the journey continue!

Friday, October 18, 2013

If Only for a Juncture

If only for a juncture, I’d give my last beat to gaze into your eyes
Feel your breath upon my skin
If only for a juncture, I’d elude all time to hear your voice
To melt under your caress
Your beauty is unrivaled, your soul is resplendent
Your words are my undoing
All that I am, is yours irrevocably 
Should I not see the day that we were to cross paths
I could let go peacefully, knowing my soul found its counterpart in yours
That I had moments of truth
Moments of knowing that you had all of me and I had all of you

I long to marvel at your smile
To breathe the same air as you
Though I know tonight we gaze upon the same moon
And as I close my eyes to basque in this thought, your face appears as a portrait
The light casting shadows, causing contours of sublime tomes which are etched into your being
To behold such a statuesque illusion is unequivocally tedious, knowing I cannot place my hand upon its splendor

I clutch my heart in agony
My lips parting slightly
Whispering to the divine deity, I heed as my words flutter through the cosmos
Letting go of all my inhibitions in hopes they’ll lead me to you
My eloquent knight, you are riveting
The divinity I behold when I gaze upon a frozen moment is ardent
But the impetuous realization that we are worlds apart is rueful
Though, never will I relinquish hope that one day soon you’ll stand before me
I implore you dear Knight, do not dwindle off course
For our two halves were meant to be whole
And as the Phoenix rises from the ashes
So shall our ever-waiting love, once lost to an ever-changing realm
Travelling lifetimes to once
again beat as one jubilant entity

If only for a juncture, I’d stand before you and bare my soul
Naked to the world, but home in you
If only for a juncture, I’d paint a thousand portraits of you
Sitting before me, eyes smiling, no dismay, no qualm
Because all that has occurred has lead us to this point
A realization
A sudden dawning
A moment of truth

For you, my soul, my heart, my love
I am everything and nothing simultaneously
For a love like ours does not want for anything
It is not jealous, nor is it boastful
Our adoration exudes humility and grace
A truly handsome fortitude 
Between two strangers that were chaperoned by a divine intervention of our souls 

If only for a juncture, I would love you for a lifetime and another still

Forbidden Fruit - An End to a Beginning

A look,
An electric touch
As powerful as the heat of a thousand suns
A sensation that too scorches
Ignites a fire
A world of burning desire

A morning
An eccentric evening
As the sun bids farewell to the rising celestial crescent
A thought that too sings of valediction
Spawns a new era
A world filled with contemporary fervor 

And as we walk through the valley of a new found glory
We tread along paths that have yet to share stories
Oh smile, ye of little faith
Fear not for we will win this race
Though life may be fickle, she can also be kind
A great contradiction Mother Nature is nigh

A lesson
A professor of faith
May we be the ones to ultimately create
A world that too is built on credence
In the classroom we yearn
For the power of knowledge we so wish to learn

And so 'tis the end to my fictitious fable
An unpredictable conduit to which we are disabled
Through perjury emanates the gilded truth
To which naught will be exempt from eating the fruit
Hope will hoist us into the new
For this is how it ends, albeit this is how it begins too