Friday, October 18, 2013

If Only for a Juncture

If only for a juncture, I’d give my last beat to gaze into your eyes
Feel your breath upon my skin
If only for a juncture, I’d elude all time to hear your voice
To melt under your caress
Your beauty is unrivaled, your soul is resplendent
Your words are my undoing
All that I am, is yours irrevocably 
Should I not see the day that we were to cross paths
I could let go peacefully, knowing my soul found its counterpart in yours
That I had moments of truth
Moments of knowing that you had all of me and I had all of you

I long to marvel at your smile
To breathe the same air as you
Though I know tonight we gaze upon the same moon
And as I close my eyes to basque in this thought, your face appears as a portrait
The light casting shadows, causing contours of sublime tomes which are etched into your being
To behold such a statuesque illusion is unequivocally tedious, knowing I cannot place my hand upon its splendor

I clutch my heart in agony
My lips parting slightly
Whispering to the divine deity, I heed as my words flutter through the cosmos
Letting go of all my inhibitions in hopes they’ll lead me to you
My eloquent knight, you are riveting
The divinity I behold when I gaze upon a frozen moment is ardent
But the impetuous realization that we are worlds apart is rueful
Though, never will I relinquish hope that one day soon you’ll stand before me
I implore you dear Knight, do not dwindle off course
For our two halves were meant to be whole
And as the Phoenix rises from the ashes
So shall our ever-waiting love, once lost to an ever-changing realm
Travelling lifetimes to once
again beat as one jubilant entity

If only for a juncture, I’d stand before you and bare my soul
Naked to the world, but home in you
If only for a juncture, I’d paint a thousand portraits of you
Sitting before me, eyes smiling, no dismay, no qualm
Because all that has occurred has lead us to this point
A realization
A sudden dawning
A moment of truth

For you, my soul, my heart, my love
I am everything and nothing simultaneously
For a love like ours does not want for anything
It is not jealous, nor is it boastful
Our adoration exudes humility and grace
A truly handsome fortitude 
Between two strangers that were chaperoned by a divine intervention of our souls 

If only for a juncture, I would love you for a lifetime and another still

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